“Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey”

SDSS-III Data Release 10 features crowd-sourced classifications of the shape of 304,122 galaxies from images taken by SDSS. The paper describing these data is in press at the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and is available on the arXiv preprint server: “Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey”.

This paper was led by Galaxy Zoo science team member Kyle Willet, from the University of Minnesota, and presents morphological classifications for 304,122 SDSS galaxies constructed from over 60 million clicks contributed by members of the public at the Galaxy Zoo website.

You can read more about the paper on the Galaxy Zoo blog (http://blog.galaxyzoo.org/2013/08/19/galaxy-zoo-2-data-release/)

The data described in this paper are available through both Galaxy Zoo at http://data.galaxyzoo.org, and through SDSS-III Data Release 10 at http://www.sdss3.org/d110

Galaxy Zoo work continues at http://galaxyzoo.org. On the site right now members of the public are looking at more images from the SDSS (the full DR8 imaging area) as well as some from the Hubble Space Telescope. The Galaxy Zoo team is also working hard to bring you images of your favourite galaxies in the infrared soon.

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