Recently, a Chinese artist, Jian Yang, organized his personal exhibition in Beijing, China. The exhibition is called “the beginning of infinity” and one of his art pieces showed in this exhibition has a component made of an SDSS plate.
最近中国的一位艺术家杨健在北京进行了一次个人艺术展。这次展出的名字叫 “无穷的开始”,而其中的一件艺术品是利用了SDSS的一块光纤插板做成的。
The room holding the exhibition was designed as a maze. The art piece with the SDSS plate was placed at the center of a maze. It is named “The Universe” and the idea came from an old fairy tale: The earth is a big whale and the sky is a huge elephant. If you could find a leg of the elephant and climb up along the leg, then you could grab the stars. In the artist’s view, the SDSS telescope is trying to capture and analyze the starlight. So he combined science and the fairy tale by putting the SDSS plate at the bottom of the flying elephant’s leg, which means the plate could help us climb up and reach the stars.

The art piece with an SDSS plate (plate# 3939). The plate (编号3939) is placed at the bottom of an elephant’s leg. 用SDSS光纤插板做成的艺术品. SDSS的板子被当做大象的脚底板。
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