A number of members of the SDSS have been at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Grapevine, Texas this week. Here are some pictures of activities around our exhibit hall booth, from which among other things we gave SDSS plates to a number of teachers and educators. The plates were a big hit and we successfully distribtuted 9 to educational locations in Texas.

Panoramic view of the booth.

The press briefing

Gail Zasowski giving out a plate to a local teacher.

Another teacher with a plate.

This school group already had their own plate, but were happy to have a photo with multiple plates.

Karen Masters showing off the Shenova “Dark Matter” dress with a pattern based on BOSS data. With a BOSS plate.

Training the next generation of fiber optic technicians?

Pretending to plug.

Jen Sobeck interacting with students during the outreach session.

Kat Barger explaining the survey during the outreach session.

3D printed galaxies from the Tactile Universe project displayed at the booth.

MaNGA Data Color-by-Numbers.

SWAG: APOGEE periodic tables, MaNGA pens, and SDSS M&Ms.
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